
Comments and requests to DOFANTASY.COM artists and art staff. Send your ideas, fantasies, stories, whatever you want to see in a coming DOFANTASY.COM comic.
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Jimmy The Wrestler
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Re: Fernando

Post by Jimmy The Wrestler »

Yeah I really want a new Cheerleaders

I really want to see Liz suffer :D
Posts: 13

Re: Fernando

Post by minerjack »

I’d love to know if Fernando is available for commissions.
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Re: Fernando

Post by therapytohelp »

We need a new Fernando comic in these trying times!
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Re: Fernando

Post by magizi00 »

It's been a long time since we last heard any news about Fernando.

I hope everything is alright.
Posts: 11

Re: Fernando

Post by 3headedkrock »

Could we please get some sort of update on fernando? Are they retired or something?
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Re: Fernando

Post by trez »

as a huge fernando fan and some one who regularly checks this forum looking for updates i am truly saddend by the lack of info but thought i would drop a message in the hope fernando sees it and it encourages him to return to the drawing board

i imagine the main reason why we are seeing a lack of content from fernando is due to money or the lack of it, it must take an enormous amount of time and effort to create a comic and these days they are so easily pirated shared on torrent sites and the likes of f95zone, and even with the use of digital watermarking and the DMCA act it really does seem like there little fansadox can do to stop it. That being said (confession time) i first became aware of fernando through a 4chan torrent and became completely hooked on his amazing artwork and have bought every comic hes published since the art of fernando, so even though file sharing is a disaster for content creators and it really cant be stopped, bear in mind it can be good publicity if you re-structure your publishing methods

I want to suggest to you opening a subscription content service such as patreon or subscribestar (although i would be avoid patreon, although its a far more widely used platform than subscribestar, i have seen them terminate accounts of adult game creators who included incest and sexual violence, and obviously you include a lot of that in your comics). I do understand content creators need to be paid, without payment they will be forced to look for different employment but i would like to emplore a artist as talented as yourself to explore different revenue streams first. Your artwork is far superior and your stories are far hotter than for example summertime saga and they have a revenue of $70,000 a month on patreon alone (if you ever consider making a role player game or visual novel and need a coder please get in touch)

next i would like to say what i think is on everyones mind, when are we going to see more from your most popular series and rather than introduce new main caracters as you did in dark vengence and we continue to see the development of the exsisting characters that we've fallen in love with. at the begining of dark vengence 4 i was so excited that holly and brooke were going to be passed around like wothless fuckmeat in an entire prison but then it turned into some flashback and i was gutted. and although i have enjoyed your new series the tourist trap im sure everyone would agree they would prefer you spent you time on continuations of cheerleaders, twins ,dark vengence and total control. Particularly cheerleaders, i cannot understand why that story stopped when you had just opend it right up dogface has got 2 completely trained submissives chris and lorena assbusters has got 2 completely trained submissives anna and dawn, and between the 6 of them they've got another 12 whores to train up in a mexican brothel for a cartel boss with immunity from the law, i absolutely cant wait for that story to continue.

lastly i would like to beg of you if your reading this to start up some sort of social media presence, A) so we know that you are alive and B) so you can see how popular you actually are

anyways i hope this comes as some form of motivation for you as we are all very keen to see much more of your work
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Re: Fernando

Post by Rud3b0y »

Commendable trez, there is no harm in posting this, but Fernando’s disappearance is not purely down to a financial issue. If it were purely that we would have no industry. These comics are not mainstream and do not command the hefty price. I wager the majority of artists do it because of their passion.
Fernando likely has personal reasons and will eventually return, when and how it is difficult to say. He has done this before and we have to realise that this is not his day job. That said if an artist wants to make a buck they can. As you point out Patreon and subscribstar. But as I have commissioned a lot of artists in the last decade (and I mean a lot), I know artists, particularly the better ones, can command a good fee for commissions. Fernando chooses not to. He hinted at a subscription service a long time ago, but never materialised. No, finances are not the issue; he does have personal issues he has to contend with. Hopefully he deals with them and returns; if not I for one am thankful we at least got his back catalogue.
But it would be interesting to hear others thoughts on it. Passion is a huge thing. I personally know several artists that left the industry as their passion dwindled. I know plenty of artist’s output significantly reduce due to this. Plus getting a comic up together is long and hard at the best of times. I agree with what has been said about Fernando’s latest stuff as not quiet having the spark. For me when he collaborated with Merrick, that was what was needed, a shot of new ideas and with it enthusiasm.
If people are downhearted I suggest commissioning, not for everyone I admit but I have gotten what I have wanted, and there are amazing artists out there, who are willing to talk. But on Fernando, I hope he does se Trez message, and hopefully he can see his fans want more.
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Re: Fernando

Post by Rud3b0y »

hansmoleman wrote:Such is the journey of life, priorities and passions change! It's a shame, not so much in a sense that I'm not happy for Fernando wand whatever he's doing. Just that this would have been an opportune time for him to make some $$ but, I guess his "mind" may not be in it anymore. So long as he's happy and healthy, here's to him and wishing him all good things in his journey! I just hope, that, it's not the end of his comics! There is so much potential out there with his art style, and so many possibilities with writers and other collaborations.

On the plus side, it has given me time to visit other artists work more thoroughly, Fernando's earlier work did it for me (and more recently Snatcher 2) due to the shocking nature of the comics, the impeccable art and being a younger impressionable person as well as it's more pulp-like consumption. But after a while we all want to explore new things as our tastes and life experiences change. I've given Erenisch's work many reads over the last half year, and I must say that in terms of "excitement" level, I'm finding it just as compelling and satisfying mainly due to the improved artstyle, world building and universe and general 'legalized' mistreatment of females and an extremely surprising highly intelligent quality of dialogue (and delivery) which further depicts the micro and macro situations that exist in the universe. Furthermore, it shows an evolution of enjoying a story in addition to the art itself. Lastly, I find Erenisch's panels to be highly impressionable and impact - it's subtle but there. I don't want to turn this into an Erenisch post, so I'll keep it brief.

Sometimes though, you just want to see the cutest young toons abducted, brutally tried up and gagged to be played with - and I feel that, bar none Fernando's art when he's focused is on top. It's why that hopefully, soon, he may decide to return in full force but leave more imaginative writing and world building to others, while he can focus on what he does best. In this way, we can get the best of both worlds!

The odds are Fernando has gone, and has been MIA for some time. No one, and I mean no one has heard from him from a while. Seems he has bigger fish to fry. It was evident he was still in the zone last year. In fact the project he was working on now looks to be abandoned. Fear not, as another well respected Dofantasy artist has picked out the baton. So at least we fans will be in for a treat….eventually.
That said, my disappointment has passed now. Yes it is a shame, but any medium has artists come and go. Why should this medium be any different? I had found other artists, maybe not the same as Fernando but they tick my boxes. I liked Erenisch’s earlier stuff particularly the early Birthday present stuff, but the world that has been built has moved on in a different direction to what I want. For me the comics that struck a chord where always the capture, transport, bondage as well as other carnal things. The element that escape and rescue are near for the damsel but they never really reach it. Erenisch for me does not do that as much now. But hansmoleman I may take the recommendation and explore Erenisch again. Particularly the Patreon.
Hence commissions are my real passion now. So much so I have one completed comic and another on the go and two manga. I have found artists in Japan and china such as godletter and CLOVER who scratch that itch. Not Dofantasy’s style but worth looking into. Plus Geoffrey Merrick is still at it and now that he is collaborating with more Dofantasy artists, we all have things to look forward to. I say move on but embrace Fernando if he ever does return, but it is looking doubtful. For anyone who is interested check out Merrick’s new website and hunt down Godletters new comics. You may even find the two comics he did of my stories.
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Re: Fernando

Post by Rud3b0y »

hansmoleman wrote:
Good to hear from you Rud3boy, at the very least us fans can still communicate with eachother albeit a bit slower!

Regarding Erenisch, please do...as I, like you have the same preferences for abduction and transport as being integral as part of a comic/story, and is often times more fun. Erenisch's world, admittedly has less of it, but it still has plenty of tying and manhandling embedded in many stories, often in different context. Give it a shot!

Regarding Fernando, I think I'm going to have to take your advice and just put it out of my mind, and focus on other projects. I love Merrick and there are plenty of awesome DF artists still at work as you mentioned. Speaking of that, Lesbi's Snatcher 1 is still on par with Snatcher 2 IMO, and I would love that collaboration for a 3rd (if there is to be one)! I find that Merrick and Lesbi create a rougher experience for the poor damsels. One of the best pages are when he takes down the blonde in the van with his knee in her back and his large hand grappling her two arms as he belts her and gags her. After which he's driving along merrily as both girls are panicking with each other. Hot stuff! Another good take down one is in Librarian 3, when Claire runs into the neighboring home to find a new half dressed girl (Kimmi), unfortunately for the new damsel she calls and runs for help but a punch to her side, a bag over head face, a pull on her nimble legs and some binds sealed the girls fate. The panels did well to illustrate her unwanted submission. Unlike Snatcher 2, all take downs were more or less tame, involving subduing the girls first with chloroform and then tying them up in their sleep. I feel that this was done to show his professionalism, it is deliciously perverted to sees a young girl being tied up in her sleep, but sometimes I like a rough takedown, it would have been good to see both in Cosprey. In any case, Merrick and Lesbi are also a match in heaven.

I will definitely check out those Japanese artists you mentioned, although often times unlike most people I prefer Western Art more than Japans, but these days it seems the two are blending in many respects. Interesting that you have a comic done! I will definitely check that out given our similar preferences, any clues as to what I should be searching for?

Lastly, it seems you hinted at many times Merrick collaborating and someone picking up Fernando's work before he left. I'm hoping it's what we're both thinking ;)

EDIT: Is it just me or has Fernando's recent comics have more flat shading. I was looking at his earlier comics, maybe the range of color was less so, but it seems that at least on the female characters, there was more depth to their "curves' in the shading. Especially on the thighs and groin area. It added a certain visual appeal that, it greatly understated in recent comics. For example, if you have a look at Miki or Cyndi legs in most panels you'll see very subtle or flat shading.

Seems I will probably take the plunge with Erenisch. I loved the earlier stuff and quite a few have raved about the Patreon.
On Lesbi and Merrick, us fans have got a lot to look forward to. Albeit not a new SNATCHER, they are collaborating again on two new graphic novels. One more a cartoony pulp style and another in the same vein as SNATCHER 1. Look out for it as I think this will scratch that itch.

Funny you say about SNATCHER 1. It was one of my favourite comics back in the day and could never understand why we did not see any others. It was the main reason I reached out to Merrick. When I found out he had plans for a SNATCHER 2 and 3 I got so buzzed I pestered him constantly for nearly a year until he adapted and fleshed out a few scenes from his SNATCHER 3 idea and Cospreys was born. Yes Cospreys is actually SNATCHER 3 orriginally and SNATCHER 2 was a completely different idea. It took nearly a year to get an artist to adapt Cospreys as Lesbi was not around at the time, and several artists fell through before out of the blue Fernando took up the task. If you guys wanna know what SNATCHER 3 is about, Merrick novelised it and can be found as an ebook. It’s a treat for people who like a sleepover theme.
As for what the original plans for SNATCHER 2? Well it is a lost opportunity and I keep pestering Merrick to flesh out those ideas, maybe he will, maybe he won’t but at least he has other ideas he is still working with other artists with. And yes Hansmoleman your hunch on what the comic Fernando dropped is probably right ;-)

I do recommend Godletter on PIXIV. CLOVER is very hard to find and I even did a trip to Tokyo recently and visited the hentei Library (Yes there is a Hentai library in Tokyo, and it is worth a visit) and managed to find his stuff but at great expense. I have two comics completed by him I wrote and two more on the way. Hansmoleman, I did try to reach out to you but that email address you provided simply did not work. Any other way to communicate, if not I will post mine. My comics are the only two in ENGLISH.



And yes a great observation on Fernando’s style. It is less detailed, but I imagine this was done to speed up his work. Personally for me Moffett is the best colourist; I know having commissioned him several times. The guy captures sweaty ladies so well….as well as the bondage ;-)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqyhz7nvst1w9 ... d.jpg?dl=0
Posts: 366

Re: Fernando

Post by surrenderdorathy »

Thats quite the information dump Rud3boy. Really exciting to look forward to. I loved Snatcher 1 and Merrick is a master story teller. Hope we see one or both of those novels soon.
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