Hi all, I am new to this forum but I was posting on the Fernando Planet forum for a little bit and now I've joined this forum. I'd like to share some of my fan art animated works-in-progress of some of my most favorite Fernando panels, which include some ripped audio.
LOL! Well first off, he slapped her to get her to swallow it, so hopefully she did by then, and secondly, I feel like Hippo wouldn't care... Is Fernando around to answer if Hippo is that sensitive?
Can you do some of fernando's older work like the cheerleaders scene where anna is getting f@cked by assbuster with that studded condom or the scene where she's connected to the car batteries and gets shocked every other minute.
Also from the twins with that spanking scene from the first one or the scene where mrs bruer is being forced to drink cum from the buckets while getting whipped.